i have a 91 cutlass sierra and i need to change the ignition switch. does anyone know any good websites i can go on to show me how to do it?I need help with my car?
That sort of information is expensive, and it is difficult to locate it without paying a subscription fee.
You can go here----%26gt;
nd for a modest fee you can have access to ALL of the repair and diagnostic information published for your car.
Or you can go to the parts store or book store and purchase a DIY repair manual for %26lt; $20.00. The no-cost option is to go to the library, in the reference section, and locate the manual there and take notes. Be careful about photocopying, as this will violate copyright laws, and the librarians are pretty aggressive about protecting them.I need help with my car?
It helps also if you always give the full name of the car, rare chance I knew it's an olds.I need help with my car?
google search DIY AUTO. that should get yoiu plenty of them to start from. if that dont work, google haynes auto manuals. hope this helps.