Thursday, June 2, 2011

How do you remove or change the ignition switch lock cylinder on a 1993 Ford Mustang LX 5.0?

Question Details: Please help.. I have 12.6 volts at the wire harness going to the ignition switch (behind the steering column). I have traced all hot wires from the positive side of the solenode switch (including the fusible links) and they are all good. I have replaced the solenode, battery, starter and ignition switch. Whenever I turn the key cylinder over, I lose all voltage. I was told that it would possibly be a shorted key cylinder? has anyone heard of this problem? Could a faulty ignition key cylinder cause this?? Please advise how to replace the cylinder and also advise if a bad/faulty/shorted ignition kiey cylinder can cause this type of problem.How do you remove or change the ignition switch lock cylinder on a 1993 Ford Mustang LX 5.0?
Before you get into that nightmare (requires some special tools) have someone hold a volt meter to the positive terminal and to somewhere on the engine while you are cranking. I suspect a bad connection somewhere in the positive or ground connections.How do you remove or change the ignition switch lock cylinder on a 1993 Ford Mustang LX 5.0?
Listen you're on the wrong site,

go to create a free account and go under the 5.0 section, ask this same question and people who know your car will help you out. I've got a 98 stang and they've helped me out alot.

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